Tuesday 30 November 2010

Daisy Dip: Success!

Hearts sank on Tuesday as we learnt that the Daisy Dip bid had missed out in the popular vote to a project in Portsmouth for the 'People's Millions' vote. Friday, however, brought better news- a phone call from Meridian TV asked us to get down to Daisy Dip quickly, and a film crew were there to record the presentation of the cheque for most popular runner-up project.
This is excellent news for the community, bringing about a much needed facility for the area, and the whole process has been highly educational for our children who have been involved throughout- learning that participation in the community brings its own rewards, and that determined people, working together, can bring about real, positive change.
Pictured here are some of the children who worked on the project, along with Mr Cappleman, parent governor and a huge driving force behind the bid. Well done everybody!

Thursday 25 November 2010

Primary maths Challenge

This week some of our gifted and talented mathematicians in Year 5 and Year 6 participated in the Primary Maths Challenge. Ten students completed a set of 25 questions on a variety of maths topics. The top scorers will get certificates in the next sharing assembly. You can try out some of the questions yourself at:   http://www.m-a.org.uk/jsp/index.jsp?lnk=259a

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Daisy Dip Project

Last year our Year 5 children (This year's Y6) were involved in a project to improve Daisy Dip- a neglected and underused local area. Today is a very important one for our community- Daisy Dip goes head to head with a Portsmouth project for a £48,000 National Lottery Grant to improve the area for our children and all the local community. Please support this bid if you can!
You can vote, but only until midnight: 0871 626 8861
You can also see the report featuring our children on 'Meridian Tonight'. Fingers crossed!

Update: You can see the report- featuring our children here

Monday 22 November 2010

Peter Pan

We are working hard to get more live theatre into school, and we recently enjoyed a real treat as our good friends at the M&M Theatre Company took us all on a magical trip to Wonderland by staging their latest spectacular show in our Hall. All classes attended, and if the cheers were anything to judge by, it was greatly enjoyed by everybody- adults and children alike.