Thursday 23 September 2010

Harvest Festival

Tuesday saw our annual Harvest Festival up at St. Alban's Church, led by our good friend and Chair of Governors, the Rev. Gary Philbrick.
As always, there was a real sense of occasion in the magnificent church interior, and we were joined by a good number of parents, who joined in enthusiastically with the singing!
Our families' generosity continues to grow and grow year on year, and the fantastic donations of food have now been passed on to the Basics Bank, a charity that works with those in need across Southampton.

Friday 17 September 2010

The didgeridoos Have Arrived!

We are working hard to make sure that we offer a culturally rich curriculum, and this year we are working very closely with our good friends in the Southampton Music Service, to provide a musical dimension to our cross-curricular topics.
Year 5 are working with the Music Service on an 'Amazon' topic, whilst Year 4 are learning all about Australia. As you can see, there was much excitement when the didgeridoos arrived; and as anyone who was inside at lunchtime will be able to testify- they are definitely working!