Wednesday 20 January 2010

Maths Games for Years 5&6

I am very excited that we can offer access to the 'Manga High' resources for our Year 5 & 6 children. These games are certainly challenging- parents, you may wish to have a go too!
Click HERE to access the site.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Yes we are open!

Today (Wednesday)'s weather has come as something of a surprise- but we are open. Take great care on your journey, as once again, none of our surrounding roads have been treated.
The weather forecast at the moment suggests that it will get warmer, and much of the snow and ice will melt, so all being well we will close at the normal time.
Meanwhile, congratulations to those of you who correctly identified the man in our mystery lollipop man contest (thank you Trish...)

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Back to Normal!

Thank you all for your co-operation and patience over the last week, I am pleased to report that we are back to normal hours today: start at 8.55 and finish at 3.10. The playground is still not safe at the moment, so play will be indoors.
Basketball and Tiptap clubs will start next week.

Monday 11 January 2010


We are all back into school, and lessons have resumed as normal. The children are not able to get out to the playground, which is one large sheet of ice at the moment!
We hope to be completely back to normal as of tomorrow, so school will start  and end at the normal time.
For today, we are closing at the usual time, but children may be picked up from 2.45 onwards if you need to.
Breakfast & After School Club are provisionally scheduled to re-start tomorrow (Tuesday).
Once again, thanks for your patience during this trying time- let's hope the worst is behind us, and we can get back to life as normal really soon.

Sunday 10 January 2010

Monday morning

Monday 11 January 2010

It's not possible to give you definite news about school opening on Monday 11 January until fairly late on Sunday afternoon.

If the weather doesn't get any worse and we are open...

We will open at 10.00 and expect all children in school. The late opening will be to allow more time for everyone to make a safe journey to school. We will expect all children in school. We need to get back to normal as soon as it is safe.

We will close at the normal time (3.10pm) but allow children to be picked up any time from 2.45pm - this allows a longer "school run" time if Mayfield Road is still icy.

There will not be any breakfast club, or after school clubs (including Film Club & multi-skills).

If the weather gets worse...

If we have to close, we will try to let you know by 6pm on Sunday evening.

We will put an announcement on this website. On Sunday afternoon, we may not be able to get the information updated on the city's School Closures List or Radio Solent.

Thursday 7 January 2010

No School Friday

Once again we are in the difficult position of having to close the school- Mayfield Rd is in a treacherous state, and has been the scene of many minor accidents today- we are just not on the gritting route the council has been maintaining.
I really hope that we will be able to get back to a near normal service next week, but with more snow forecast for the weekend, make sure to watch this space.
Particular thanks to our friends who live opposite the school for keeping me informed of the state of the roads in the area.
Try these:
Year 4:
Year 5:

Year 6:

Wednesday 6 January 2010


Further update 11.30- Having looked at the forecast for overnight which suggests that temperatures will fall to -6C, we have reluctantly had to decide that we will not be able to open the school tomorrow (Thursday 7th January).
We regret any inconvenience this will undoubtedly cause many of you, but hope that this early notification will enable you to make alternative arrangements more easily.
Watch this space as the situation develops.

For up to date weather information: